Imagine starting your day with a weekly inspiration uplift with reinforcing the inspiring sermon message you heard the past Sunday, all without having to endlessly scroll through YouTube videos. With Lead Pastor, Rev. David Brown and the uplifting harmonies of the Armstrong Chancel Choir, you can enjoy a renewing spiritual experience anytime you choose with our "new" podcast of the past Sunday message,Renewing Your Spirit with Rev. David Brown.
Click the Weekly Inspirations below and embark on a transformative journey of "Renewing Your Spirit" the new audio recordings of our Sunday messages and more, available for you to listen to anytime, anywhere. Dive into a world of inspiration and rejuvenation, allowing yourself to absorb uplifting messages at your convenience. Let these recordings guide you towards a path of personal growth and spiritual enlightenment. Start now and experience the power of positivity in your daily life.

Prayer Request
Embrace our Armstrong Virtual Community as your gateway to timeless worship experiences. Be sure to also subscribe to our YouTube channel, you ensure that every sermon, every song, and every message is just a click away, enhancing your spiritual journey whenever and wherever you find yourself seeking solace. Share in a vibrant community alive in serving Christ, today and let the tranquility of past services enrich your soul in moments of need. Don't miss out on these beautiful worship experiences - subscribe now and indulge in the beauty of worship anytime, anywhere!
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Back to ArticlesThe Gift of Empathy Final Week

“Knowing I’m not responsible for making the person feel, act, or respond in a particular way lifts a great weight off my shoulders. I just need to focus on listening, feeling, caring, and letting them know I understand. When I do that, I open the door for all those wonderful results to happen.” – Kenneth c. Haugk/ Joel P Bretscher
Today in Episode 4 Lead Pastor, Rev. David Brown, will share an impactful message centered on the theme of The Gifts of Empathy.
“ For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”
-Matthew 25:35-36
The message will be accentuated by the beautiful, uplifting and soulful sounds of music by the talented Armstrong Bell Choir directed by Chester Imhausen, and Stacy Haney on the organ.
"Be Merciful, just as your father is merciful." -Luke 6:36
"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you..."
-Matthew 7:12
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A Vision for a World Filled with Empathy
Contents for Week 4
14. Random Acts of Empathy
15. A Surprise Form of Empathy
16. The Spiritual Side of Empathy
17. Focus on the Process of Empathizing—and Celebrate the Results
Epilogue: A World Filled with Empathy