National & International
Thank you so much for taking an interest in Armstrong Chapel's national and international missions!
Your support and generosity towards making Jesus known worldwide truly makes a difference in communities everywhere. By donating to missions, you are joining hands with people around the globe in spreading the hope of the gospel and strengthening the body of Christ.
Your partnership in these missions is invaluable, and we are sincerely grateful for your caring heart and dedication towards transforming lives through faith in Christ. Thank you for being a part of this wonderful journey with us!
Empowering Change
Teaming Up with Purpose-Driven Organizations and Mission Projects
At Armstrong Chapel, getting involved in Samaritan's Purse's Operation Christmas Child is a heartwarming tradition we look forward to every year. It's incredible how something as simple as a gift-filled shoebox can bring joy and hope to children in need all over the world. Knowing that each box not only contains toys and necessities but also carries the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ makes this initiative even more special. It's heartwarming to be part of spreading love and positivity through such a thoughtful project!
If you are not familiar with the organization Samaritan's Purse, let's take a moment to learn a little about them. Samaritan's Purse is a global humanitarian aid organization that provides assistance to people in need around the world. Founded in 1970 by Bob Pierce, the organization is known for its commitment to serving those affected by war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine. Through projects such as Operation Christmas Child and disaster relief efforts, Samaritan's Purse has touched the lives of millions with their compassion and generosity.
Samaritan Purse
The story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) gives a clear picture of God’s desire for us to help those in desperate need wherever we find them. After describing how the Samaritan rescued a hurting man whom others had passed by, Jesus told His hearers, “Go and do likewise.” For over 50 years, Samaritan’s Purse has done our utmost to follow Christ’s command by going to the aid of the world’s poor, sick, and suffering. We are an effective means of reaching hurting people in countries around the world with food, medicine, and other assistance in the Name of Jesus Christ. This, in turn, earns us a hearing for the Gospel, the Good News of eternal life through Jesus Christ.
As our teams work in crisis areas of the world, people often ask, “Why did you come?” The answer is always the same: “We have come to help you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.” Our ministry is all about Jesus—first, last, and always. As the Apostle Paul said, “For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake” (2 Corinthians 4:5, NIV).
For more information about Operation Christmas Child
What we collected in 2023! Let us see if we can top last year.
Thank You for all your support!
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you did for me.”
Matthew 25: 40
Your kindness shines like a beacon! A heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you who have contributed to the Emergency Donation Drive. Seeing the community come together with such compassion—donating everything from jackets to diapers—reminds us that together, we can weather any storm. Every item you’ve shared is a step toward rebuilding and warmth for those hit hardest. Let’s keep the spirit of giving alive!
Dear Armstrong Chapel Friends –
On Sept. 27, Hurricane Helene tore through portions of North Carolina and Tennessee, leaving death and destruction in its wake. Many families evacuated in their cars, only to find they had no homes to return to and in many places no roads and bridges to facilitate travel; no stores for food, clothing and necessary supplies; no fresh water or electricity; and no way to even communicate their needs.
Janet and Scott S. saw the devastation and desperateness from their vacation home and turned to our church family to ask for help on behalf of the region’s newly homeless residents.
Your response was overwhelming!! Even Armstrong Chapel’s pre-school parents got involved. Hundreds of items were donated in just three weeks; so many coats, sweaters, hats, socks, gloves, diapers, sleeping bags, etc., that the plane designated for the airlift couldn’t accommodate all of it and a large van was packed solid. In addition, our congregation sent $5,000 to the region through UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief.
It was especially touching to see the earnestness, generosity and compassion with which Armstrong members responded.
One member realized homeless people need bags to store what few things they have and added sturdy athletic bags to the collection. One couple, who committed to supplying new towels and blankets, cleared the shelves at a local Wal-Mart with their enormous purchase. Another member thoughtfully crocheted plastic grocery bags into long, sturdy, sanitary mats for use on a parking lot, gym floor or other surface. Some members added to the collection with donations they received from their neighbors and friends.
Absolutely heartwarming!!
Once items were delivered to drop-off spots, local volunteers handled the distribution. In Kingsport, Tenn., for example, members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) post found people in remote areas and delivered the warm clothing they need now that snow is falling in upper elevations.
“The people who helped me unload just kept ooohhing and aahhing,” Janet said. “They are so thankful.”
As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, please continue to pray for those whose lives have been upended by Hurricane Helene and those who have received your gifts from the heart. We know they are saying prayers of gratitude for you!!!!
Sue P.
Hurricane Relief
At Armstrong Chapel, being a part of Child's Hope International's food program is truly heartwarming and impactful. Together, the community packed an incredible 50,000 meals last year alone. The dedication and generosity shown by everyone involved truly make a difference in the lives of those in need. It's inspiring to see how a group of caring individuals can come together to make such a positive impact in the world!
If you are not familiar with Child's Hope Internal, they are a wonderful organization dedicated to providing care, support, and hope to children in need. Their mission is truly inspiring as they work tirelessly to improve the lives of young ones and create a brighter future for the next generation. Child's Hope Internal truly embodies kindness and compassion, making a positive impact in the lives of children every day. It's heartwarming to see their commitment to spreading love and support to those who need it the most.
Meeting the immediate needs of children so that they can thrive.
Child's Hope International is truly a beacon of warmth and kindness, with Christ at its core. By making Jesus the center of all they are and do, their work beautifully reflects the loving heart of Christ. With a focus on being Locally Led and children-centered, they embody dedication and compassion in their mission to support those in need. It's heartwarming to see an organization so genuinely devoted to making a positive impact in the world.
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is the humanitarian relief and development arm of The United Methodist Church (UMC), a non-profit 501(c)3 organization operated under the auspices of the General Board of Global Ministries. Donations to any of a wide range of projects fund those projects 100%.
Alleviating suffering all over the world
As the humanitarian relief and development arm of The United Methodist Church, the United Methodist Committee on Relief – UMCOR – assists United Methodists and churches to become involved globally in direct ministry to persons in need. UMCOR comes alongside those who suffer from natural or human-caused disasters – famine, hurricane, war, flood, fire or other events—to alleviate suffering and serve as a source of help and hope for the vulnerable. UMCOR provides relief, response and long-term recovery grants when events overwhelm a community’s ability to recover on their own. UMCOR provides technical support and training for partners to address emerging and ongoing issues related to disaster relief, recovery, and long-term health and development. Additionally, UMCOR supports migrants through legal and humanitarian support, as well as through global advocacy.
See latest Hurricane Helene updates here.
Wings of the Morning
Gaston Ntambo operates a small plane carrying supplies and medicine to communities in the North Ktanga region of Africa. Armstrong and other churches in the West Ohio Conference contributed to funding the plane.

Faith Academy near Croix-des-Bouquets Haiti.
The church was originally built, with financial support from Armstrong and other churches, to serve as a daily chapel for the 300+ students at Faith Academy. In addition, they have employed a regular pastor to expand the church into a community church. Pictured above is a recent worship service, attended by over 300 people from the surrounding community.
Armstrong has funded the construction of an apartment for the pastor and his family. They will live on the grounds at Faith Academy, to further the community outreach of the church. Pictures is the kitchen in the new house for the Pastor at Faith Academy.
The Pastor and his family had formerly lived a 45-minute to one-hour can ride away, which limited the time that could be spent on-campus at Faith Academy. With the move, the Pastor and his family will be on-campus full time, allowing them to broaden their ministry to the school, and most importantly to extend their reach into the surrounding community.
Armstrong is also working with other churches to fund and build a chicken coop and egg-producing operation. When it is up and running, the 200+ hens are expected to produce at least one egg a day for each of the 140 children in the orphanage there. These eggs will be a significant improvement to their diet, in a country where food remains scarce.
Faith Academy