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A Name to Remember


Passage: Psalms 33:20-22

Speaker: David Brown

Share in worship and prayer this Memorial Day Weekend, Sunday, where we will give thanks to the Lord! This week we will have a Memorial Day Concert featuring River’s Edge Brass Band, Lead Pastor David Brown explores the message of A Name to Remember.
We will be led in song and praise by the Armstrong Chancel Choir directed by Ben Basone and accompanied by Stacy Haney on the organ. We give thanks to the Lord with United Methodist Hymn, Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty, and Be Thou My Vision.  Children’s Sunday School Program will give the highlights of their lessons with a Children’s Moment by Dianna Sheely. Special thanks to Jane F. for being the liturgist and leading us in the Call to Worship and scripture passages.  

Conductor Kevin Michael Holzman serves as the Director of Wind Studies and Head of the Division of Ensembles and Conducting at CCM, where he also holds the positions of music director for the CCM Wind Symphony (CCM’s premier large wind ensemble), CCM Musica Nova, and the CCM Chamber Winds, in addition to overseeing the Graduate Wind Conducting program. In 2019, Holzman was appointed Music Director and Chief Guest Conductor of the Beijing Wind Orchestra, China’s premier wind ensemble. Holzman earned his Doctor of Musical Arts degree in conducting at the Eastman School of Music, where he studied with Music Director of the Eastman Wind Ensemble, Mark Scatterday. 

Beyond CCM, Holzman has worked with professional ensembles, including the Beijing Wind Orchestra, the Siena Wind Orchestra (Japan), the United States Army Band “Pershing’s Own” and the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra. Currently, he serves as Music Director and Conductor of the River’s Edge Brass Band. In April 2017, Holzman served as recording conductor of the Music in the American Wild ensemble, a National Endowment for the Arts grant-funded ensemble that commissioned 11 new works in celebration of the 2016 U.S. National Parks Centennial. 

River’s Edge Brass Band, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, was established to provide an opportunity for many of the area’s best brass players to face the challenges of playing the world’s most demanding music, and to be judged against the best brass groups in North America. Over the years the band has assumed the role of one of the area’s top musical ambassadors as it appears in 8 to 10 public concerts each year. These appearances across the region range from summer park concerts, church services, public service events, holiday performances, and for the Green Beret Foundation. Members of REBB are a highly skilled group of brass and percussion musicians who volunteer their time to rehearse and perform. The majority of players have completed advanced studies on their instruments and have professions that include engineers, health-care specialists, finance experts, and active and retired music educators. Members travel from throughout the Metropolitan Cincinnati region, the greater Dayton area, Northern Kentucky, and Southeast Indiana to attend rehearsals and performances. Our mission is to demonstrate the highest standards of musical excellence in the performance of literature for British brass 

The special music and in house flowers this morning are given by Elizabeth H in memory of her grandmother, a Captain in the Salvation Army. 

Production Team: Alex K, Armstrong Youth Volunteer, in house staff, Shanon Rice and Kashena Rhoill 




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