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Facing a New year

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Are you in need of some inspiration and spiritual guidance as you step into the new year? Look no further than the latest episode of "Renewing Your Spirit with Rev David Brown." In Episode 17, Lead Pastor, Rev. David Brown, delivers a powerful message that will uplift your soul and set the tone for a positive and fulfilling year ahead. Let's dive into the highlights of this impactful episode.

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A Message of Hope and Encouragement

In this episode, Rev. David Brown focuses on the theme of "Facing a New Year: Living on the Gospel Side." With his deep insight and spiritual wisdom, Rev. Brown offers words of encouragement to help you navigate the challenges and opportunities that come with a fresh start. He reminds us that no matter what trials we may face, we can find strength and solace in the teachings of the gospel.

As we embark on a new year, it's essential to embrace change and seek opportunities for personal growth. Rev. David Brown encourage listeners to step out of their comfort zones and embrace the unknown with faith and courage. By living on the gospel side, we can find the strength to face challenges head-on and embrace the transformative power of growth.

Soulful Sounds of Music

What's a message of hope without a touch of soulful music? In this episdoe, listeners will be treated to the beautiful and uplifting holiday sounds of talented soloists Emerson Wynn on Clarinet and the Trio - Andrew, Evan & Ian Herbert, accompanied by Lynne Miller. 

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Finding Peace and Serenity

In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, finding moments of peace and serenity is crucial for our well-being. Rev. David Brown's message, combined with the soothing sounds of music, create a sense of calm and tranquility that allows listeners to reflect, recharge, and renew their spirits. It's a reminder that no matter what challenges lie ahead, we can always find moments of peace and serenity in the midst of chaos.

As we dive into the new year, take the time to listen to this episode of "Renewing Your Spirit with Rev David Brown." Allow Rev. David Brown's message and the soulful music to guide you towards a positive and fulfilling year ahead. Embrace change, seek opportunities for growth, and remember to live on the gospel side, where hope, faith, and love reign supreme.

Don't miss out on this transformative episode –

tune in now and start your year on a positive note!


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Bible Reading Tracker

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Ecclesiastes says that there’s a time for everything — and the new year tends to be a time for fresh starts. God’s Word is a great place to begin!

For a while now people have been asking me to make them a way to track which books of the Bible they have read, so we thought for the New Year we would share with you a free Bible reading tracker printable that you can use throughout the year!

This printable is super simple…it is literally all the books of the Bible so that you can mark off each book of the Bible after reading it. But nonetheless, it is pretty helpful and so encouraging to use!

Download Your Bible Tacker Today

Why use a Bible Reading Tracker?

You may be wondering why it is helpful to use a Bible reading tracker or a Bible reading checklist of some sort. There are a few ways that I have found this helpful whether I am reading through the Bible using a Bible reading plan OR just reading random books of the Bible.

I have found it helpful to see my progress and to encourage me to keep on reading. It is so encouraging to visually see how far you’ve come. The Bible reading tracker is really helpful if you are reading random verses or books of the Bible as it helps you to see what you have read and what you haven’t read in a long time.

We all tend to have our favorite books of the Bible that we come back to time and time again, but tracking what we have read can help us to see the holes in our Bible reading. It points out which books you may have never read or haven’t read in a long time. It can stretch us to read the harder parts and dive in deep into the biblical storyline in places that we haven’t before. It can keep you accountable to spend time in God’s Word as you track your way through the scriptures. It can be a resource to use with a friend or a disciple as you read through God’s Word together!

Other Encouragements…
I hope these plans along with the Bible reading tracker will help you to grasp the grand story of scripture and the plan of redemption that God has set forth. As you journey through God’s Word, I pray that God will reveal to you more about Himself and the plan He has for His creation and glory in all the earth. 

Download Your Bible Tacker Today

We challenge you to spend time in the Word of God in the new year!

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Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. 2 See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. 3 Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.’—Isaiah 60:1-3

The prophet makes a bold claim…OUR LIGHT HAS COME! The image of light and darkness is highlighted in the Book of Genesis with the first act of creation being the separation of light and darkness. The people are called to “rise up and shine,” as a response to God’s glory and the light of the Lord arriving in their midst. The world is mired down in darkness; but, God is doing something about it.

The Gospel of John will make much of this metaphor of light. In John 1 it refers to Jesus arriving on the scene: The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world (John 1:9). Here we learn five things about light:

  • Jesus is the light of humankind (1:4)
  • The light is the source of life (1:4)
  • The light shines in the darkness and is not the darkness (1:5)
  • John is not the light, but John told others about the light (1:6-8)

The true light gives light to everyone, but is also not recognized (1:9-10) John (3:19–21) Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But, whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.

Later, John 8:12 has Jesus saying: “I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” In fact, John 12:36 says, “Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.” So, now we move from Jesus alone being identified as the light, to people becoming “children of light” by faith in the light of Jesus!

For the authors of Scripture, a world filled with darkness was a very real experience: No light switches, just oil lamps and hopefully, a clear starlit sky or full moon to give any hope of illumination in their darkened existence. We gain a tiny glimpse of their fearfilled world when the power goes off in the midst of a storm and we are left to navigate ourselves through a house of daunting shadows and obstacles. Many of my neighbors have the convenience of a generator that seamlessly restores the light in the midst of darkness. To many of us, prolonged darkness is unknown. How will we be light and offer light in this new year? What does the coming of Christ bring into our lives that can allow us to reflect the splendor of His coming?

Let’s “spark” some faith in action in the days ahead!

Happy New Year,

Pastor David

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